Broadband/Digital Equity

What is Broadband?

Broadband is the transmission of wide bandwidth data over a high-speed internet connection. In simple terms, it’s high-speed internet access. Internet speed is measured in megabits per second (mbps), and for something to be labeled broadband it must meet a certain speed. Broadband used to be defined as speeds at 25/3mbps, but recently the FCC redefined broadband at speeds over 100/20mbps. This new definition came about based on the ascending number of devices used in a household, and the larger need for high-speed internet to adopt to a more remote way of living. COVID grew the demand for remote jobs, remote learning, telehealth, and even remote socializing. This new definition reassesses which household is “connected” and which is “unconnected,” and there are different categories to describe these connection states. 

Unserved: Have little to no internet access. Speeds are at or less than 25/3mbps. 

Underserved: Have little access to internet. Speeds are less than 100/20mbps.  

ECIRPD works to connect residents of our region by finding financial opportunities and partnerships and presenting them to our region’s Local Units of Government (LUGs). ECIRPD’s robust partnerships with Internet Service Providers (ISPs), LUGs, and state agencies allow us to improve the quality, efficiency, and maximize financial opportunities of our region’s broadband projects.  

Broadband is vital to the economic growth of a community. It attracts businesses and new residents. It can be a great investment for small towns that want to retain or attract new residents. Remote workers will come from bigger cities looking for a new home in an area with a lower cost of living, amenities, land, start their own businesses, and foster a better connection in their smaller community. To attract new residents, there must be basic infrastructure and access to utilities, including broadband.

What is Digital Equity?

Digital equity is a condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and economy.

Digital Inclusion is the actions necessary to advance digital equity to those lacking information technology. Digital inclusion includes movements like broadband and internet availability, internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user, access to digital literacy training, technical support, and applications and online content. 

Muncie has a plethora of digital inclusive initiatives. However, ECIRPD strives to expand more initiatives to the rest of the region including rural areas. This starts with broadband infrastructure to every home and business, coupled with digital skills training so people can use that broadband technology.  

What is the Northstar Digital Literacy Program?

  • It can be accessed remotely 
  • Northstar comes with a learner’s account that participants can access anywhere 
  • Participants can learn lessons, practice, and take assessments from the comfort of their home 
  • Offers lessons and assessments in English and Spanish 
  • Offers lessons in 15 areas including… 
  • Essential Computer skills: Computer basics, internet basics, email, Windows 10 and 11, Mac OS 
  • Essential Software Skills: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Docs 
  • Using Tech in Daily Life: Social Media, Information Literacy, Career Search Skills, Telehealth, Digital Footprint, K-12 Distance Learning  
  • Offers opportunities for people to earn certificates 
  • They must get an 85% or above on assessments to qualify 
  • Certificates offered in all 15 areas  
  • Must be proctored to earn a certificate, can do so at in-person workshops 

Sign up through ECIRPD’s Northstar account by clicking this link. You can sign up for an in-person class through this form. Be sure to leave your contact information so that we can notify you if there are any changes. 

Want to learn more?

Check out our Digital Connection page that goes over internet installation funding, internet affordability programs, determining your internet plan, and more!